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Latest Alumni News

Opening News Article by An Anjumantite

We didn’t realize we were making MEMORIES We just knew we were having FUN   Recalling the golden days of Anjuman Panchgani Boarding School brings a smile to our faces...

Anjuman Bags Golden School Award 2018-19

Students at AIPS, Panchgani participate in huge number in Indian Talent Olympiad (ITO) Olympiad exams organized by ITO Scholarship exams every year. Millions of students and schools take part in...

School infrastructure development goals

Some of the projects that we identified for school development are as under : 1). Main gate to the campus . 2). Refurbishing a dormitory . 3). Class IV housing...


Departed Souls – List Published

Our secretary Mr. Ashraf Kerbelker has been faithfully maintaining the demise database. This record of deceased alumni members is in accordance with the information contributed by members, newspaper or reported...

“Minutes of Meetings” now available online

Minutes or the record of our meetings include the list of attendees, issues raised, related responses, and final decisions taken to address the issues. Now available for community discretion. Click...

Alumni Handbook

The Alumni Handbook is now available for new members as well as public for reading. Enjoy the real life reading experience.

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